We, vampires, have excellent relationships with animals. Since we can talk to each other by telepathy, we get along exceptionally well.
Most vampires just give them orders, but I enjoy talking to them.
I have a lot of animals at home. Bats, wolves, foxes, owls… Since I was a little girl, they have taught me a lot. Do you love animals too?
One of the most important things that animals have taught me is that everyone has different abilities and talents and that the word “different” never means “worse” or “better”. The word “different” just means “different”. Different from you, different from me, different from others. We all have something different. It sounds obvious, but I assure you that not everyone understands that.
Rat vs. Bat

One day, at a family reunion, my cousin Vlad came to the house with one of his rats.
We walk rats on a leash, just like you do with dogs.
We didn’t really know what to do to spend time, so Vlad offered to play with our pets. I went to get one of my bats. Since bats don’t fly during the day, I figured she would play on the ground with Vlad’s rat and that it would be good for her to socialize a bit.
When I arrived in the living room, Vlad had created a small maze with piles of books. He told me he had seen on TV that rats are very good at finding their way out and that we would have his rat and my bat race each other.
I rolled my eyes and told him that my bat couldn’t make it.
He replied that if my bat couldn’t find the maze’s exit as quickly as his rat, it would mean that she was not as smart as him.
I looked at my bat.
Looking me straight in the eyes, she told me telepathically that it was idiotic. I told her, also telepathically, that I was aware of it, but that my cousin Vlad was a very stubborn person. To prove him wrong, we couldn’t just tell him; we had to prove it.
So my bat agreed to play along and do the best she could.
We started with Vlad.
Indeed, in a very short time, and after quickly exploring the few possible paths, the rat managed to find his way out. Vlad was very proud.
– It’s your bat’s turn now! He said.
So I put my bat, half-blind, like all bats, at the entrance of the maze.
After groping for a long time, hitting her on all the books, going back and forth, taking the same paths twenty times without even realizing it, and wasting a lot of time spinning around because she was disoriented, my bat ended up reaching the end of the maze too, exhausted.
– What a silly bat! Vlad told me, and he went to the living room to get a glass of blood.
I reassured my bat, telling her that she would have a chance to prove him wrong.

Later, after dinner, when the sun went down, I told Vlad to come back into the living room with his rat.
I had hung little pieces of sausage on wires. Some were almost touching the floor; others were hung higher up. Then I turned off the light. Thanks to our hypersensitive eyes, Vlad and I could see everything that would happen without any problem.
Telepathically, I told my bat and Vlad’s rat that there were pieces of sausage everywhere in the room and that whoever ate the most would win.
We put them on the floor, and we gave them the top start.
In less than a second, my bat took off. We could see her flying very precisely in the room, thanks to her sonar, which allows her to find her way in space with millimeter precision. In less than twenty seconds, there was not a single piece of sausage left in the room.
While she was already digesting her victory, hanging upside down from the ceiling and very proud of herself, Vlad’s rat was still wandering around in the dark, sniffing the floor, and trying to crawl up on its hind legs to catch pieces of sausage that were already gone.
I turned to Vlad:
– So? Do you think your rat didn’t make it because he’s stupid?
– Of course not! It’s just because he can’t fly and he doesn’t have a sonar!
– Well, you see, it was the same with my bat earlier. She couldn’t use her sonar. Besides, she’s not comfortable on the ground, she’s half-blind, and she doesn’t have a very good memory. But in the air, where all that matters is being fast and accurate, she’s unbeatable thanks to her wings and sonar.
Vlad never told me that an animal was dumber than another one after that.
8 different types of intelligences
Well, you see, what I just told you is not only valid for animals, but for humans as well.
There’s not only one type of intelligence. There are multiple intelligences. Each person has their own way of thinking, their own type of intelligence, and their own talents. In fact, if you want to know it all, there are 8 different types of intelligence, all divided between animals and humans.
It’s a psychology and neurology professor called Howard Gardner (he’s a vampire too, but nobody knows, it’s just between you and me) who discovered this. Isn’t it crazy? It means that if we are allowed to let our talents express themselves in the right way, if we are helped to learn with the right tools and methods, the ones that fit with our type of intelligence, we are all capable of anything!

For example, rats, like Vlad’s, and like many people, possess the intelligence called logical-mathematical intelligence. Humans – and animals – born with this form of intelligence have intellectual abilities of deduction and observation. They are gifted at solving problems, whether logical or abstract.
Like many people, bats possess the intelligence that is called bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Those who possess it have excellent coordination, perfect control of their body movements, and increased awareness of sensations.
There are six other intelligences. We all have our own unique combination of intelligences. Want to know more about the 8 different intelligences and which ones are yours? Read the next post!
If one of your parents is beside you, it can be useful. They can help you identify your types of intelligence because they’ve known you for even longer than you know yourself!