My Life as a Vampire and as a victim of Bullying
Zabeth. That’s my name. I’m a vampire. I’ve been called names all my life (and I can tell you it’s been a long one). Ugly. Different. Weird. Not normal. Then I had to put up with all of it. The bullying. The name-calling. The rejection.
At first, I didn’t understand. Why did people think I was abnormal? What is normality? Is it limited to a certain eye-color? Skin tone? A way of functioning differently from others?
For a long time, I tried to blend in. I did everything I could, trust me. But how can you blend in when your difference is as obvious as two red eyes in the middle of your face?
Today, I decided it was time to stop. Time to stop trying to blend in. Trying to be “normal,” whatever that word may mean. And above all, to stop trying to please everyone.
Do you feel different? Or should I say, do others make you feel different? If so, you probably understand me. And if you’re very sensitive, even more so.
I made up my mind. It’s time to take my mask and my wig off. Now, in front of you, there is only me left. You will get to know me. And then you will like me. Or you won’t. If there’s one thing that bullying has taught me, it’s that happiness isn’t about others liking you or not. Happiness is about loving yourself. 🙂